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Welsh Government First Minister says working in office good for workforce and mental health

The Welsh Government has been under pressure to reconsider its stance on remote working, with calls for a more flexible approach. This pressure has come from various sources, including employees, employers, and even some members of the Welsh Government itself. The Welsh Government’s initial stance on remote working was quite rigid, with a strong emphasis on in-person work. This stance was based on the belief that in-person work fostered collaboration and innovation. However, the pandemic forced a shift in thinking, as remote working became a necessity for many businesses and individuals. The pandemic also highlighted the benefits of remote working, such as increased productivity, reduced commuting costs, and improved work-life balance.

The woman replied that they had not. This statement was met with skepticism from the audience. The woman then went on to explain that the Welsh Government had been working on this issue for a number of years. The woman then provided a detailed explanation of the Welsh Government’s efforts to address the issue. She explained that the Welsh Government had been working on this issue for a number of years.

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